My answer might stun you a bit… because it is so simple and will bring more magic than Mickey could ever deliver to your life.
It’s a Game Changer! You have to own your creativity, not lease it or rent it. Some think it is innate and you are born with it. Yet, research shows that creativity is a learned habit just like any other skill we decide we want to learn. Freedom. Freedom to focus Freedom to dream Freedom to rest Freedom to be present Freedom to be spontaneous Freedom to find your passion Freedom to do what makes you happy Freedom to find what you are good at Freedom to love your life, and yourself Freedom to live fully and courageously Freedom to make decisive decisions with confidence Freedom to……………………………………………………………….. (fill in the blank). It’s Your Turn! Do What Makes You Happy. Do what makes you happy and witness the magic that arrives into your life. Break through the storm of uncertainty and fear to a place of creative clarity. You will never look back. All my best, Rita
Recently, I sat exhausted and doubtful after many months of surgeries, hospital visits, and doctor appointments. Waves of an uncertain future began taking over my mind and body. But then my soul took control. I looked at the bookshelf in my office and saw my book, Mind before Body. OK, the whispers had turned to cosmic 2x4s and now had my full attention. The cover was shouting at me as I picked up my book and looked at the subtitle... "Finding the courage to take control of your life, overcome adversity, and live the life you deserve." My years of positive thinking and "aiming up" were being challenged. As I was leafing through the pages of my own book, looking for answers, I randomly stopped on page 91. "You can do hard things. And hard does not mean impossible. We hear a lot about the power of enthusiasm, and when someone has it, it does feel like it comes from god within. It can move mountains. That fire within moves us into places we have never been and ones we wish to go to. The pain pushes until the vision pulls. It might be big, but nothing is a chore when done willingly." Life is messy. I also saw a typo within that very section...even the proofreaders missed it. Life is messy, yet we can't celebrate only when life is good, and all is well. In our darkest hours, we have to have a vision of not only what we want but also acknowledge what life has dealt to us. Children leaving home, aging, death, and illness might (and most likely will visit) if you live long enough. We don't have to invite it in, but managing it and getting through it as best we can is the only way out. Ask for help, ask the right questions, listen and learn and grow and share. Don't give up. Ask for help. Show gratitude. There is always something to be thankful for - look around for the good and the lessons...Give Thanks! All my best, Rita Watch for upcoming dates on Rita's book signings, scheduled for March at various locations.
My answer might stun you a bit… because it is so simple and will bring more magic than Mickey could ever deliver to your life.
It’s a Game Changer! You have to own your creativity, not lease it or rent it. Some think it is innate and you are born with it. Yet, research shows that creativity is a learned habit just like any other skill we decide we want to learn. Freedom. Freedom to focus Freedom to dream Freedom to rest Freedom to be present Freedom to be spontaneous Freedom to find your passion Freedom to do what makes you happy Freedom to find what you are good at Freedom to love your life, and yourself Freedom to live fully and courageously Freedom to make decisive decisions with confidence Freedom to……………………………………………………………….. (fill in the blank). It’s Your Turn! Do What Makes You Happy. Do what makes you happy and witness the magic that arrives into your life. Break through the storm of uncertainty and fear to a place of creative clarity. You will never look back. All my best, Rita Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses & all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty together again. Yikes, in the past 10 days most people I've talked to seem to feel like Humpty. We managed to navigate our way through stay-at-home orders, fearful newscast announcements, lots (and lots) of meal preparations and cleaning tactics that would pass NASA inspection. Now, just when it looks like we can literally breathe again, we seem to be looking down at our feet and seeing the pieces this pandemic brought upon us...just like Humpty Dumpty. What a fall it was! The aftermath can be overwhelming! And...I believe we can do hard things. I believe we have it in us to get back up, brush the dirt off ourselves, wipe the gritty residue away and start again. I hope we don't have to hear "In these unprecedented times" or "It's a new normal" ever again. Like aging and facing your own mortality, it does not require you to give up everything, it just asks you to manage your expectations. You can and should still be you. We have to figure out who we are right now, because as much as we might like to go back to the good ole days, this is what we have right now. This is who we have become. Start putting the pieces together, push through and dig deep. You can do hard things. And if you are honest with yourself, most times the things you thought were going to be awful, impossible, horrible and painful, took less time and energy to actually do then the agony we put ourselves through thinking about it. Speaking of energy, once you tackle that thing and name that fear and make a decision to act, your energy will soar. It's called momentum. There's nothing like it. All the king's horses and all the king's men may not be able to put you back together again. But you can! You are one decision away from starting. Wishing you a happy life in a free world! Listen to your whispers - they know the way. Rita "it's kind of a big deal... starting with you... and working from the inside out." Sometimes it’s the things that ignite us, like the depth of the ocean and the roar of her waves, that bring us the clarity and focus we need to get excited about creating our lives.
Not the life we imagined, but a life re-imagined. A life consciously created, moment by moment, based on how we feel, listening to our whispers, and taking our own counsel. So it was for me recently when I realized the Covid Connection was taking control of my life, and I did not recognize my life as my own. Covid became a negative trigger for me. It triggered fear, suspicion, anger, sadness, loneliness, doubt, loss of freedom and security and even life itself as we once knew it. What a rabbit-hole a negative trigger can lead us into! A decision was made. Living a life of creativity is based more on curiosity than on fear, and the plans had been made before the Rona visited. I call it the Covid Connection because, in retrospect, it wore away at my soul and my psyche. It wore me down, it made me weaker and it made me doubt a lot of things during those 9 months of lock-down and social distancing. And I took a lot of Vitamin C to fight off the virus as well as build my immune system. Realizing I needed healing, and knowing that when I really, really need healing I go to the Sea, I decided to Paddle Strong and make the journey to the waters edge. Airline tickets were cancelled and very long, arduous car drives were added. I needed Vitamin Sea now. Vitamin Sea is one of my positive triggers that turns my brain into a creative force like little else. The Sea - She lifts me up and grounds me all at the same time! There’s a humbling insignificance I feel as I watch her relentless, consistent, unexpected and never-ending magistracy as it goes on-and-on, day-after-day, year-by-year and through the centuries of time. The sea has always been a trigger for me. I am in awe of the massive Creativity Connection I have with water. I feel all of my senses come to life as soon as I begin to smell the hint of salt in the air miles away. As I drive closer to shoreline, I seem to vibrate with hope, anticipation, passion and purpose. Sitting watching the waves, the surf, the bold power of the sea gives way to feelings of connection and oneness. How can it be so powerful and yet variable? How can it be destructive and yet so alluring? How can it be so strong and yet so intriguing and inviting? So…here’s my question for you. What are your triggers? Those things, sounds, feelings, sayings, looks, songs, memories, etc that stir you up and kick you into high gear? Good or bad, it’s important to notice. They pull you much like a trigger on a gun. They can cause you pain or create joy…it’s still a trigger. Figure our what YOUR Creativity-Trigger is and your life will become magic. Figure out what YOUR Down-The-Rabbit-Hole Trigger is and your life can become magic when you learn how to manage and take control of it’s appearance and impact on you. Contrast can be good if we observe and learn. The problems come when we are emotionally out-of-touch and bounce back and forth not truly owning the feelings we are having or why we are reacting as we do. If something feels wrong to you, ask yourself why? Do you have any control over it? Is it serving you? Or is it getting in your way of joy and love? Our Whispers speak to us about our truth, our calling, our vision and our contribution. Our Creativity allows us to life the life we were meant to life, in our own certain way. W2W ~ Rita Yep, here it is, January 7, 2021, at 6 AM. I look over all my intentions I worked on last week to begin a newer, better year beginning January 1, 2021. Just like every other year. Well...not quite.
After all, I had nothing but time this year to do whatever I wanted (within my house). Covid changed everything, right? Not! I still have not stepped onto that treadmill downstairs. I still have not blended one green morning smoothie. I still have not downed 8 glasses of water on any day since 1/1/21. I did take all the Christmas decorations down, packed them in their boxes, and got them downstairs. And they are all labeled and in order on the shelf. I also managed to plan, shop, and prepare meals for the family, including available snacks in case anyone would ever feel like eating...ever again. I decluttered my office and ordered new stuff to make me more efficient and productive (I hope). I am not beating myself up; it seems to happen every year, to some degree. I accomplished a lot and am actually a bit tired. But my whispers this year won't stop. Then, I asked myself this question: "Rita, how important is it for you to get the next 21 days right?" Then, I answered that question: "100% - I want to keep my promises to myself! I matter! My big questions to myself ...what my whispers are trying to tell me... What happened to all those goals that involved just you? You know, the ones about your health, well-being, and dreams? What happened to the ones, deep in your heart, you know would actually add joy, peace, and meaning to your life? How about the ones that matter to you most and motivate you? Well, habits can help us or hinder our growth. We are creatures of habit. The problem lies in what happens to our brain when we try to add new, better things to our daily lives. We start to think too much. Not about how good it will feel after we get off that treadmill - now that is a good way to get into steering your thoughts to where you want them to go. Instead, we start arguing for our limitations. I've already missed 3 days. I might as well forget it. I am never able to follow-through on my goals. Etc., Etc. Suddenly. it's February 1, and we tell ourselves we had to get the taxes ready and on and on. Oh, and the playoffs and Super Bowls are on...I'll start after that. You get the idea. The point is: Change is different. Take charge and stake your claim to the lie you deserve. Shape your thoughts and words into what will work FOR you and not against you; thoughts are things. Stake your claim on what you want. No one else can do this for you. This is an inside job. And seriously, your life is not a dress rehearsal. This is for real. You know you can start anytime, right? You know there is nothing magical about January 1, right? You realize that making any change begins with awareness, right? Fast-forward...January 7 at noon. Treadmill: check! Water: check! Off to make my green smoothie: check! I feel better about everything now. Just go do something, no matter how small, that will make YOU happy. Here's to a new start any day we decide to do it! Listen to your whispers...take your own counsel! Stop the second-guessing and indecision. Action is the best antidote to fear. Rita My new book, Mind Before Body is on Amazon now, and the Kindle version goes live on January 8th. The audible version is in the studio as we speak. If you want a code to get it free and do a review, just let me know, as I have a few left. There are many exercises and methods in there that will help you retrain your brain. Rule #1 in living a more creative life...Stop stealing from yourself. Every time we neglect ourselves or put the needs of others ahead of our own, we drain our cup. Take the time to do things that give you the yummy giggles.
Rule #2 to living a more creative, fulfilling life...Just Do You! Creativity blossoms when we honor who we really are, beyond the masks and the to-do lists and the roles we play. Rule # 3 to living more creatively...courage, my friend! Creativity is messy; it makes mistakes; it gets things wrong. Embrace the process and be bold! Rule # 4 for your creative out your fears. Fear grows in the dark and silence. And it loses its power once we shine some light on it. Rule # 5 to live more creatively...Surround yourself well. We become like the people we hang out with...check your circle. Does it support you and lift you up? Rule #6 too creative living...reframe your beliefs. We all carry about beliefs about life, about our past, about our abilities...and the beliefs may or may not be true. Maybe it's time to redefine what we know to be "true." Rule # 7 for a more creative FOR something. It's so easy to be against something...we are pretty clear about what we don't like, what we don't agree with. Take a positive stand with your creative efforts and let them bloom. Rule #8 for your beautiful, creative soul...own your energy signature. What you put out comes back. Take a moment to really look at what energy you put out it lack? Anger? Then adjust? Sprinkle love and light around like glitter. Rule #9 for a more fulfilling and creative grateful. Be thankful for the day, this moment, the people around you, that cup of coffee, those moments of peace in the chaos, support in the hard times, the respite from the mess, the indoor plumbing...know that it is all there for a reason, and be grateful, even if you have no idea what the reason is. Rule #10 to living your best creative life...Stop It! Stop the negative self-talk and self-fulfilling lies that you aren't good enough, capable enough, smart enough, rich enough, pretty enough...just stop it. Put a rubber-band around your wrist and snap it when your mind brings you back there if you have to. Be conscious of the dialog in our head that makes you believe you are less than. Talk to yourself the way a best friend, a lover, your Creator would...You are unique, amazing, beautiful and whole. Who Are You? Rita A friend sent me a post today about irrational fear and the public shaming of free-thinkers (among other issues of the day). I feel very strongly about free-thinkers but that's another blog.
That post reminded me of one of my favorite teachers, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and how much I miss him on almost a daily basis. Thank god there are audio and video to help me remember how important his messages were to me. "Becoming the observer (stepping back) you begin to live in process, trusting where our source is taking you. You begin to detach from the outcome. The detachment allows you to stop fighting and allows things to just come to you; you no longer make things happen but allow them to show up. The fight is gone!” I actually have a book and a course that includes "walking into your own power". So what's this letting go and detaching idea all about? Do we have to choose? Which one is correct? It is so different from what we were taught in earlier years about setting goals, hustling, and just getting to the end result. Is it really possible to let go of things, and still care? is it truly possible to be detached, and still love? Is it honestly possible to be an observer in our own lives? Absolutely, it's possible! It has nothing to do with others, and everything to do with yourself...Y.O.U. My take on this as a "woman of a certain age" is not the same as it was in my 20's or even my 40's. Of course, life experiences and learnings contribute to everyone's current life situation and our assessment of how our life is going. a world torn apart with opinions, judgment, bullying, and shaming I find this idea of detachment even more essential and significant. Why is this important to you? Well, just the other day a customer was telling me about how they offered help and suggestions to someone via an email, or maybe it was a text. In a few days, the receiver's response was, "I didn't ask for help." There you go. It's kind of like forgiving. You don't have to tell a person you are forgiving do it because it frees you. By letting go of the outcome, you claim your intention of helping and supporting someone (maybe even yourself) and allow what's to happen. You still care and you still love, but as an observer, you allow, instead of force or expect. That's a whole different feeling about Intention vs. Expectation. again, that's another blog. My point is - the next time you are stressed, edgy, angry, or worried about an outcome you can't seem to solve, become an observer. In your mind, step into the background or high above the situation, and just observe. You might see things from a new perspective, as well as from another's point of view. Instead of believing we can force or shame someone into doing something new, we can see that maybe they need and want to do it themselves, just to prove that they can do it themselves. Self-Reliance! Instead of becoming angry that someone doesn't want to hear our good advice, we can send love and support and the intention of supporting what's in their best interest and then detach from the outcome. Let go. Hold space for them. The fight is gone. How nice is that? Whispers to Wisdom, Rita 2:13 AM...years ago in a land far, far away...
A young mother of two stood at her back door in robe and slippers. She opened the door to snow, wind, and the frigid temperatures that move in and visit in January, in Michigan. Beside her was a little ball of white fluff. The young mother waited until the puppy finished her business and played in the snow, out of reach. Finally, the puppy returns to the warmth of the house. Back to sleep, the pup went. Elsewhere in the house were 3 other people who wanted that sweet puppy. Begging and human puppy-eyes won out in the end, with promises of "I'll take care of her”...resounded across the land. The puppy did bring joy and excitement to the home. The young mother was happy and also realized that maybe they may have made a mistake in adding this addition to the family, at this time. The children were too young to know how to care for a pet. A 2-year-old and 4-year-old could not be expected to get up several times a night to let the dog out. The possibility of outcomes for this scenario was frightening and endless. None of them good. Only one parent ever heard that cute cuddly pup trying to tell us she wanted to go outside. And we've established that the two children were too young to be held responsible. During the day, the young mother now had her two "babies" who were finally both just out of diapers and sleeping through the night. She also had a new baby, of sorts. Another newborn, so to speak. Totally dependent. Don't fret - we found that adorable puppy a new home with a loving family. There appear to be no scars for my children today, as they have their own pets now. My point of the story is this… As soon as you trust yourself, you'll learn how to live. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe We do trust ourselves, right? Or do we? For me personally, that night standing in the snow helped me learn how to trust myself and pay attention to my whispers. The whispers that were not popular, accepted, or even acknowledged by others, perhaps. But they were real for me. Whispers matter. The world might think it's about mom vs dog - but that's not it. The world might think that it's about selfishness vs. contributing to the whole - but that's not it, either. It's about trusting yourself. It about knowing yourself well enough to put self-doubt and second-guessing away long enough to know what your heart is really telling you. It's about not taking a decade to start living the life you were meant to live, instead of just imagined. It's about taking the time to honor your own whispers and create that version of Y.O.U. that you thought was too good to be true. It's there waiting for you. You have to answer the door and let it in. How many times does it take for us to learn to listen to our whispers? Once? 5 times? 5 years? 50 years? Every time we do something because we were programmed to believe that was the only way to behave...are we being honest with ourselves? Having a family. Having a pet. Where we live. How we choose to support ourselves.Who we choose to associate with.What we read... do...say...believe... think … it's all ours to decide.Somehow we’ve got this notion that life is a Dress Rehearsal. It isn’t. This is it!You are one decision away from the freedom of trusting yourself.Whispers to Wisdom,Rita Hello, friends...
There is NO rule or mandate out there in the world that says we have to accept or even listen to, criticism from others. So why does hearing it or reading it cause us so much pain, anger, frustration, fear, and self-doubt? Is there such a thing as "constructive criticism"? Criticism: the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes. Constructive: serving a useful purpose; tending to build-up. So, in theory, if someone criticizes us (or expresses disapproval of something we did or our character) it is based on their perception. We all have our own reality and perception - everything in our world is a perception. So who is "right"? The big question here is...Do you want to be right or happy? One of my business pillars here at Whispers to Wisdom is knowing who you are, what you want, and why you want it. Until all of that is crystal clear in your mind and vision, you will simply endure criticism, usually from one of two unhealthy views.
My 3 step formula to move past any kind of criticism will help you listen to your own whispers, so that you can get to your own wisdom ...and begin living the live you were meant to live If we merely accept what is said to us as criticism in order to please others, and we move on and not have it continue to shadow our self-image and ability to grow and live the life of our dreams, it might work. But how often does that happen? If we argue, defend our position, try to convince or bully someone into our way of thinking, and then forgive and forget and move on with our life, it might work. But how often does that happen? It's purely an inside job. How to handle criticism and even endure it is simply a choice you have to decide to make. It's simple but not always easy. It is SO worth the effort to learn these 3 steps to deal with criticism and move on with your life. Here is the 3 step process - easy 'peezy, eh? ******************* 1. Say a polite thank-you and promise to consider what's been said. 2. When in doubt if it's true or you can't stop thinking about what was said...ask for honest feedback from someone who cares, knows you well, has your best interest at heart, and is a person you trust. 3. Forgive. Anything else is a state of conflict that erases the possibility of your feeling inspired. Forgive anything...What they said, what they did, what they wrote, what they thought, how they misjudged you, their perceptions, opinions, and their ego....all of it - whatever it is that YOU have told yourself. Let it go. If you decide to let the person go out of your life, well, that's your decision. Remember, though, sometimes we get rid of the physical beings in our lives but never remove their presence and after-effects. You were designed to do great things. You are the only person like you. You have gifts and talents others need. Just Do You and attract the people who get it and get you. You can forgive and not say a word to the other person. You can question things your MFTP's (mother, father, teacher, preacher) taught you in the past. You're an adult now. Make your own choices that are right for you right now. Our reality is what we decide it is. When you KNOW rather than DOUBT, you'll discover the necessary ability to carry out your purpose. I'm waiting to hear from you! Live Your Whispers! Rita |
Rita Long• Self-Discovery Assessments Archives
June 2023