Creativity is less about talent and more about fear.
Yep, I’m going out on a limb here. Time to have a serious talkin’ to…to ourselves. Not all fear is real. And once we learn how to get out of our own way, our lives will be spectacular! You’ve all seen the acronym F.E.A.R. - False Evidence Appearing Real. How many excuses do we need to justify not doing what we want to do? Was it from your M.F.T.P. - Mother, Father, Teacher, Preacher? Artists can’t make a real living. You’re too old to write a book. What if you fail? What if people don’t like it? Why can’t you be happy with what you have? What makes you think anyone cares? You’re too young. You’re too old. Begone, excuses! That was someone else telling you their fears. And they were probably truly trying to help you. But they are not you. Their experiences are not yours. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how I feel about Whispers. They matter and they are important. “I was an artist, in my mind, when I was 8 years old. Where it came from, I do not know, but I found myself sketching and longing to take an art class. There were no art classes available to me, and “being an artist” was foreign to my family and my situation. So I just drew sometimes…because it felt good.” The rest of the story is in my book, 10 Little Rules for Your Creative Soul. The ending may surprise you. My point is - It took me 40+ years to listen to those whispers. I wouldn’t trade anything in my life, except that I could have included art and painting all along. I thought I had to make a choice. I thought creativity tapped you on the shoulder and selected you. I never dreamed, until I retired and had the time to listen to my whispers, that I actually was an artist. Maybe not the best trained or recognized artist, but I was sure happy. What do you want to do? What do you want to try? Listen. Listen. Listen. They may be warning you of danger, and deserve to be heard. They may also be trying to get your attention so that you can go on a Journey of Self- Discovery. Aim up! Rita
Your Creative Soul LOVES Uncertainty!
We certainly have been pushed into a vortex of uncertainty. This is good news! Don’t look now, but your creativity wants to come out and play! And all the old routines that we were forced into, either gladly or reluctantly, are gone for a while. Like the kids’ practices and events we didn’t really want to attend anyway. Take a deep breath and say hello to your whispers! As we rush toward returning to the life we once had, let’s consider what things we truly want to take back with us. We have some time to reflect and remember who we really are. What is most important to us? Why do we live the life we choose to live? Whispers are not scary. They can be messy, though. Whispers are thoughts or ideas that keep popping into your head, and sometimes seem silly or weird. Those whispers start out quietly and can turn into nudges. If we ignore the nudges or signs, a crisis can absolutely make you pay attention. It’s so much easier to listen to the whispers. Your inner voice will only speak when you allow it the opportunity. Your heart is speaking; let it be heard. Your whispers are trying to tell you something, so let’s invite them in and have a little conversation. You are always in control, so start asking “why?” until you can’t get to another answer. Your whispers don’t always make sense, but give it some time and listen carefully…your world will open up and your clarity will be laser-like. I had a conversation today with a friend about how she can’t plan for her creativity. It just doesn’t work. She feels there has to be a real need for it and then her creativity just explodes. I call this Inspired Action, and I talk about it in the Introduction of my book 10 Little Rules for Your Creative Soul. No two snowflakes are alike. We are all creative and we are all truly snowflakes. Until you convince yourself you ARE creative, it may take a forced or planned action to get you to shine your little light! There is a REAL NEED right now to listen to your whispers so you can fastback your joy! I believe in you. Aim up! Rita |
Rita Long• Self-Discovery Assessments Archives
June 2023