Yep, here it is, January 7, 2021, at 6 AM. I look over all my intentions I worked on last week to begin a newer, better year beginning January 1, 2021. Just like every other year. Well...not quite.
After all, I had nothing but time this year to do whatever I wanted (within my house). Covid changed everything, right? Not! I still have not stepped onto that treadmill downstairs. I still have not blended one green morning smoothie. I still have not downed 8 glasses of water on any day since 1/1/21. I did take all the Christmas decorations down, packed them in their boxes, and got them downstairs. And they are all labeled and in order on the shelf. I also managed to plan, shop, and prepare meals for the family, including available snacks in case anyone would ever feel like eating...ever again. I decluttered my office and ordered new stuff to make me more efficient and productive (I hope). I am not beating myself up; it seems to happen every year, to some degree. I accomplished a lot and am actually a bit tired. But my whispers this year won't stop. Then, I asked myself this question: "Rita, how important is it for you to get the next 21 days right?" Then, I answered that question: "100% - I want to keep my promises to myself! I matter! My big questions to myself ...what my whispers are trying to tell me... What happened to all those goals that involved just you? You know, the ones about your health, well-being, and dreams? What happened to the ones, deep in your heart, you know would actually add joy, peace, and meaning to your life? How about the ones that matter to you most and motivate you? Well, habits can help us or hinder our growth. We are creatures of habit. The problem lies in what happens to our brain when we try to add new, better things to our daily lives. We start to think too much. Not about how good it will feel after we get off that treadmill - now that is a good way to get into steering your thoughts to where you want them to go. Instead, we start arguing for our limitations. I've already missed 3 days. I might as well forget it. I am never able to follow-through on my goals. Etc., Etc. Suddenly. it's February 1, and we tell ourselves we had to get the taxes ready and on and on. Oh, and the playoffs and Super Bowls are on...I'll start after that. You get the idea. The point is: Change is different. Take charge and stake your claim to the lie you deserve. Shape your thoughts and words into what will work FOR you and not against you; thoughts are things. Stake your claim on what you want. No one else can do this for you. This is an inside job. And seriously, your life is not a dress rehearsal. This is for real. You know you can start anytime, right? You know there is nothing magical about January 1, right? You realize that making any change begins with awareness, right? Fast-forward...January 7 at noon. Treadmill: check! Water: check! Off to make my green smoothie: check! I feel better about everything now. Just go do something, no matter how small, that will make YOU happy. Here's to a new start any day we decide to do it! Listen to your whispers...take your own counsel! Stop the second-guessing and indecision. Action is the best antidote to fear. Rita My new book, Mind Before Body is on Amazon now, and the Kindle version goes live on January 8th. The audible version is in the studio as we speak. If you want a code to get it free and do a review, just let me know, as I have a few left. There are many exercises and methods in there that will help you retrain your brain.
Rita Long• Self-Discovery Assessments Archives
June 2023